New technologies to deliver CBT for kids with OCD

I was gladly surprised to find the print copy of “Innovations in CBT for Childhood Anxiety, OCD, and PTSD: Improving Access and Outcomes” on my desk when I came back from my late summer holiday. Me and my colleagues Kristina Aspvall, David Mataix-Cols and Eva Serlachius wrote the chapter on new technologies for the delivery of CBT for pediatric OCD, including webcamera-supported approaches, internet-delivered CBT, apps and virtual reality (VR). In its entirety, this book is a real whopper of over 700 pages, and offers plenty of valuable information of the latest innovations for better access to CBT. You can … Continue reading New technologies to deliver CBT for kids with OCD

The Work and Social Adjustment Scale – Youth and Parent version (WSAS-Y/P): Preprint out now!

The Work and Social Adjustment Scale (WSAS) has for many years been a useful and widely appreciated tool to measure functional impairment in adults with various conditions. Now we present a youth and parent version of the WSAS, the WSAS-Y and WSAS-P. This is a project that Prof. David Mataix-Cols from KI and our Clinical Research Unit, dr Amita Jassi from the Maudsley Hospital in London, me and other coauthors from Stockholm and London have been working on together and a result of joint efforts from our London and Stockholm clinical research teams. You can access the first version of … Continue reading The Work and Social Adjustment Scale – Youth and Parent version (WSAS-Y/P): Preprint out now!

Self-help for childhood mental health problems holds promise of easy-access, affordable psychological help

A recent review from the UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, London, UK shows that self-help methods can be a good alternative for children with different mental health problems. In the light of several reports that point to increasing numbers of children with mental health problems, it appears obvious that children should be given the best possible treatment as early as possible. In addition, other studies underline that there are major benefits when targeting psychological problems early in life rather than later in aduldhood. However, when it comes to psychological treatments, such as cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), there … Continue reading Self-help for childhood mental health problems holds promise of easy-access, affordable psychological help

Book release: “Innovations in CBT for Childhood Anxiety, OCD, and PTSD”

Cambridge University Press just released a comprehensive book on new interventions for anxiety, OCD and PTSD, Edited by Lara J. Farrell, Griffith University, Queensland , Thomas H. Ollendick, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University , Peter Muris, Universiteit Maastricht, Netherlands. Anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are amongst the most prevalent disorders in childhood and cause major suffering and impairment if not effectively diagnosed and treated. This book highlights advances in technology and neuroscience that improve the access and outcomes for young people suffering from anxiety disorders, OCD or PTSD. In Part II – OCD, you cand read a contribution of Kristina Aspvall, David … Continue reading Book release: “Innovations in CBT for Childhood Anxiety, OCD, and PTSD”

The internet intervention Patient Adherence Scale (iiPAS) – Preprint available now!

Finally, I have submitted a manuscript that I have been working on for quite a while together with my dear colleagues at CAP Research Centre and the Karolinska. We have developed and evaluated a scale to measure patient adherence in … Continue reading The internet intervention Patient Adherence Scale (iiPAS) – Preprint available now!

New research: Large study does not find long-term effects of school-based prevention of anxiety and depression

In a large, 3 year long-term follow up study by Johan Åhlén, Ata Ghaderi and me, we did not find any long-term effects of a school-based intervention aimed to prevent anxiety and depression symptoms. The study included 695 children 8–11 years old from 17 schools in Sweden. The kids were either randomized to the prevention intervention or a control condition. According to the attrition analyses, the effect (or lack thereof) may have been biased towards a null-result.  The prevention intervention that was used in this study was a “universal” intervention, as all kids in the included schools and classes participated received the intervention compared to “targetet” … Continue reading New research: Large study does not find long-term effects of school-based prevention of anxiety and depression

New research: Sudden gains in internet CBT for OCD

A new study from the Karolinska Institutet shows that patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder who show “sudden gains” during internet CBT treatment yield better treatment effects, comparted to those who did not have sudden gains, or where “gradual gainers”. A sudden gain is a significant, large improvement of the patients’ symptoms that happens during a short period of time. Patients that showed sudden gains had less OCD symptoms by the end of treatment and during long-term follow-up, compared to those without sudden gains. These results could help researchers and clinicians to make better prognoses of who is likely to benefit from … Continue reading New research: Sudden gains in internet CBT for OCD